Thursday, October 15, 2009

Interesting start to my day/blog

I was going to have my first entry be about my wonderful husband and our three dogs. Also, about our new home and moving to the suburbs but there was a change in plans.

This morning my husband, K, was getting ready to go to work. He was done. About to walk out of the restroom into our room, kiss me goodbye and go to work. He's been doing that everyday this week because I have been staying home taking my vacation.

We normally car pool.

Focus. Oh, yeah back to the story.

All of a sudden I hear a string of profanity followed by a stern, "Don't come in here."

He leaves the restroom, shuts the door and again another stern, "Don't go in there." By now I think its kind of cute but really its starting to become annoying.

He comes back with gloves & a plastic bag.

Umm. Ok. ::insert puzzled face here:: Now we don't hide much from each other so I'm puzzled. I respond, "What is it?

I'm thinking a frog or a spider.

Oh, no.

The convo went something like this.

Me - What is it?!
Him - Don't come in here!!
rinse, lather, repeat about 3 times.
Me - I'm coming in!!!
Him - It's a snake!!
Me - SNAKE!!??? Wait, do I REALLY want to go in??? Where?!

A garden snake made its way into our jet tub. The one I LOVE to bathe & soak in. The one I could have been sitting in!!! ::shudders::

Good thing that my husband was there because there is no way that I would have "taken care of it". I would have held it hostage somehow until he got home. So he saved the snake from some form of unintended torture at the hands of a novice snake handler.

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